Fundación Shakespeare Argentina (FSA) is proud for having been a matter of study reflected and praised on chapter 4 of Digital Shakespeares from the Global South, edited by Amrita Sen, recently published by Palgrave, Macmillan, in November 2022.

We are very grateful to the editor for her glowing and complimentary article on the FSA’s achievements and performance.

Book Cover

Digital Shakespeares from the Global South re-directs current conversations on digital appropriations of Shakespeare away from its Anglo-American bias. The individual essays examine digital Shakespeares from South Africa, India, and Latin America, addressing questions of accessibility and the digital divide. This book will be of interest to students and academics working on Shakespeare, adaptation studies, digital humanities, and media studies.

Amrita Sen is Associate Professor and Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta, India, and Affiliated Member of the Department of English. She has co-edited Civic Performance: Pageantry and Entertainments in Early Modern London (2020) and publishes essays and book chapters on East India Company women, Bollywood Shakespeares, and early modern ethnography.

Practicing Digital Shakespeare in Latin America: Case Studies from Argentina and Brazil


This chapter looks at two distinct but connected websites—Fundación Shakespeare Argentina and the “Shakespeare in Brazil” section of the MIT Global Shakespeares—that are aimed at making globally accessible the performances and textual translations from Latin America. This chapter argues that these websites open up new possibilities of community building through their curatorial strategies and social outreach. They not only act as repositories of actual performances, but also function as archives of communal memories. Through bi-lingual records of social media exchanges and transcriptions of performances, they open up new possibilities of accessing and reading Latin American Shakespeares. This chapter interrogates the global relevance of these websites by taking into consideration the often overlooked history of Shakespeare transmission in Latin America.

Book reference: Sen, A. (2022). Practicing Digital Shakespeare in Latin America: Case Studies from Argentina and Brazil. In: Sen, A. (eds) Digital Shakespeares from the Global South . Global Shakespeares. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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