
Shakespeare among all

At the 39ª Buenos Aires International Book Fair 2013, on Friday May 10th Fundación Shakespeare Argentina presented the event "Shakespeare among all” together wi...

Samira Kirollos in Argentina

The worldwide famous story teller Samira Kirollos visited  and performed in Buenos Aires for the first time. Sponsored by the Embassy of Egypt in Buenos Aires &...

Shakespeare behind prison bars

Shakespeare behind prison bars: Theater, prison and society On September 30th 2014 FSA together with Departamento de Ciencias Sociales and Sociedad Argentina d...

Liberti’s Shakespeare shines in England

Shakespeare's Surreal Portrait by the Argentine artist Juan Carlos Liberti (1931-2014) shines at Shakespeare's Birthplace in Stratford upon Avon, (England) to o...

Argentina at Shakespeare’s Globe

In 2012 as part of the fabulous Globe to Globe Festival (37 plays in 37 languages) an Argentine version of Henry IV Part 2 directed by Rubén Szuchmacher starrin...

Shakespeare from a Legal Perspective

Judiciary Department of Federal District & FSA at Buenos Aires International Book Fair 2014 presented a dramatized reading of the trial from The Merchant of Ven...


On April 23rd FSA celebrated Shakespeare's 450 staging his delicious comedy Como Les Guste (As You Like It). Watch the video: ...

Shakespeare for all

We thanks and share the article on our Foundation called Shakespeare para Todos written by Guillermo Pintos published on Revista Ñ Magazine (Clarín Newspaper) ...

Shakespeare, an Argentine Passion

Read the article on Fundación Shakespeare Argentina on Tiempo Argentino Newspaper: shakespeare-29-01-12 nota-publicada-en-el-diario-tiempo-argentino-el-2...

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