We share and appreciate the warm message of greeting and congratulations to the directors of the Fundación Shakespeare Argentina for the tenth anniversary of our institution sent by Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen, member of our International Advisory Board, and Founding Executive Director of the American Shakespeare Center. 


Staunton, Virginia, May 21, 2021

Dear Mercedes and Carlos,

The word “hero” gets thrown around a lot today, but knowing that the Fundación Shakespeare Argentina is celebrating its tenth anniversary, reminds me of the many times I have said that you two – through the organization that you started and made prosper – are truly Shakespeare heroes.

For five centuries the world has valued the way Shakespeare speaks beyond boundaries of gender, race, and language to something essential in us, and your generosity and ingenuity in championing that precious “something” through the FSA reminds us all of our human kinship.

¡Gracias y gracias y siempre gracias!

Ralph Alan Cohen
Founding Executive Director, American Shakespeare Center
Gonder Professor of Shakespeare, Mary Baldwin University



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