We are pleased to share the auspicious letter of congratulations from Escuela de Lenguas Modernas of the Universidad del Salvador (USAL) for the tenth anniversary of our institution.
We especially thank USAL for having been one of the first institutions to offer us its collaboration and welcome since the beginning of our activity, for which in 2011 we established an Agreement of Mutual Cooperation that was the starting point of a long and enriching institutional relationship. We take the opportunity to extend our gratitude to the Directors of the University, especially to the Director Paula Ortiz of the Escuela de Lenguas Modernas and to the Academic Secretary, Verónica Repetti. We also thank Dr. Héctor Valencia and Dr. Malvina Aparicio and each and every professor and students who have participated on the projects and activities together with the USAL educational community.
We look forward to continuing to develop mutual collaboration projects in the years to come.
Below we transcribe the aforementioned congratulatory letter in English:
Buenos Aires, May 13, 2021.
Fundación Shakespeare Argentina,
Dear Mercedes and Carlos:
Receive our sincere congratulations from Escuela de Lenguas Modernas of the Universidad del Salvador (USAL) for these first and fruitful ten years of work, and for the permanent commitment of the Fundación Shakespeare Argentina with the dissemination of the life and work of William Shakespeare in our country.
We are pleased to have traveled part of this path together, through the various activities that we have jointly developed since the signing of the agreement between both institutions, two decades ago, and that have given our educational community the possibility of getting even closer to the Legacy of the great English playwright. We especially want to remember the World Shakespeare Project, through which, with the help of Dr. Sheila Cavanagh, our students have debated and interacted with American students on various Shakespearean texts and approaches.
We send you a warm greeting and our wish for a future filled with new projects and achievements.
Verónica Repetti, Academic Secretary
Paula Ortiz, Director of the Escuela de Lenguas Modernas
See the original letter (which contains beautiful images of the FSA activities carried out at USAL): Salutación 10mo. aniversario FSA – USAL