The Fundación Shakespeare Argentina was invited to participate in the historical homage to both Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and William Shakespeare at the National Senate of Argentina on May 10, 11 and 12, 2016, arranged through the initiative of Senators from the Province of San Luis, Dr. Aldolfo Rodríguez Saá and Dr. Liliana Negre de Alonso.

In the opening night at the Illia Hall of the Congress, Senator Dr. Liliana Negre de Alonso; Academic Coordinator of the Center for Cervantes Studies in Spain; Dr. José Manuel Lucía Megías, Former President of the Argentine Academy of Letters and the National Academy of Education, Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia; Director of the British Council in Argentina, Mary Godward; President of the Fundación Shakespeare Argentina, Dr. Mercedes de la Torre; Councillor from the Spanish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Juan Duarte; and, Dr. Ángel Luis Pujante, Emeritus Professor of Shakespeare at the University of Murcia participated in the historical Homage to Shakespeare and Cervantes.

Read the official report:

Captura de pantalla 2016-06-24 a las 4.23.15Dr. José Manuel Lucía Megías, Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia, Mrs. Mary Godward, Senator Dr. Liliana Negre de Alonso, Mr. Juan Duarte, Dr. Mercedes de la Torre, and Dr. Ángel Luis Pujante.

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Additionally, the outstanding argentine singer Raúl Ravié, accompanied by Ángel Mahler, gave a fantastic performance of “The Impossible Dream” from the musical Man of la Mancha.

Finally, the Omnes Gentes Orchestra and Chorus closed the event with a phenomenal presentation of Renaissance music.

The so-called “Semana de Máximas Letras” (Week of Highest Letters) at the National Senate continued over the two days, with sessions devoted to Shakespeare and Cervantes.

Link to the official National Senate webpage for the event:áximasLetras.pdf


Schedule of Events for Semana de las Máximas Letras:

Homage to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the deaths of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and William Shakespeare

Tuesday, May 10—opening events

7:00 pm

Illia Room, National Senate

Brief presentations:

  • Senator Dr. Adolfo Rodríguez Saá.
  • Senator Dr. Liliana Teresita Negre de Alonso.
  • Spanish Ambassador Estanislao de Grandes Pascual.
  • Mary Godward, Director of the British Council in Argentina.
  • José Manuel Lucía Megías, Academic Coordinator of the Center of Cervantes Studies in Spain.
  • President of the Fundación Shakespeare Argentina Dr. Mercedes de la Torre presents Dr. Ángel Luis Pujante, specialist in Shakespeare Studies, University of Murcia.
  • Pedro Luis Barcia, former President of the Argentine Academy of Letters and of the National Academy of Education.

“Impossible Dream” from the musical, Man of la Mancha, performed by Raúl Ravié. Musical direction, Ángel Mahler

10:30 pm

Las Provincias Room

Performance of Renaissance music by the Omnes Gentes orchestra and choir

Wednesday, May 11—dedicated to Miguel Cervantes Saavedra

  1. Belgrano Room, Hipolito Yrigoyen 1710—4th floor

 3:00 pm

Master Peter’s Puppet Show

A recording of the performance of the musical by Manuel de Falla based on the novel Don Quixote from the Vera Theatre in Corrientes, Argentina.

Costume design, María Laura Pérez Veronessi; Scenic design, Soledad Berbedes; Puppet design, Marcelo Fernández; Staging and direction, Carlos Palacios. Coproduced by the Ópera Federal, an organization run by the Undersecretary for City Culture, Argentina Ministry of Culture. Sponsored by the Manuel de Falla Archive in Spain.

3:30 pm

“The Last Windmill” and “To Be or Not To Be,” sections from works by Cervantes and Shakespeare presented by Walter Acosta, actor, director, and dramaturge.

Coffee and pastries.

4:00 pm.

Panel (Auditorium, 5th floor)

Reflection of the values of the Golden Age in Don Quixote,

Inés F. de Casagne, (PhD in Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires. Catholic Association of Writers and Publicists)

Don Quijote de Las Pampas, Atilio Polverini (Dir.)

How The Dialogue of Quixote and Sancho Concerns Our Present Day,

María Elena V. de la Rosa, Professor of Literature.

5:15 pm

Two Illustrious Lunatics, or Universal Divergence,

Dramatic reading by Walter Acosta, Mario Petrosini, and Eugenio Polisky. “An Encounter between Prince Hamlet and Don Quixote,” written in 1909 by Leopoldo Lugones. Presented by Fundación Shakespeare Argentina.

To see photos, click the link:


Thursday, May 12—Dedicated to William Shakespeare

  1. Belgrano Room, Hipólito Yrigoyen 1710—4th floor

2:30 pm.

The Adventure of Translation

Dr. Miguel Montezanti, translator of Shakespeare’s sonnets (Auditorium, 5th floor)

3:50 pm

Isabella I, The Queen meets the Dramaturge.

Theater piece directed by Alejandro Zucco. Actress: Lucía Bellefín Benítes.

Coffee and pastries

4:00 pm. Auditorium—5th floor

The Humanist Heart in the Bard of Avon,

Dr. Cristina Viñuela. Austral University/ National University of Cuyo.

Shakespeare in Argentina,

Mercedes de la Torre, President of the Fundación Shakespeare Argentina

Victoria Ocampo, Shakespeare enthusiast, and her homage to Shakespeare in SUR Magazine,

Paula Vrasavsky, Writer and cultural journalist. Fundación Sur.

5:15 pm

Theater and Music in Shakespeare’s Elizabethan England,

Sergio Pelacani, Professor of History of Baroque Music, University of Buenos Aires; Director of the Baroque Chamber Orchestra, UBA.

The Theater as Catharsis,

with songs by J. Downland and others, and monologues from female characters by actress Déborah Bianco. Presented by Professor Cristina Lastra Belgrano, Director of the National Institute of Theater Studies.

6:00 pm.

Shakespeare in Concert. A Midsummer Night’s Dream,

theater performance produced and directed by Carlos Palacios, General Coordinator of the Federal Opera and Dance Plan (Subsecretary of Culture). Presented by Marisa Bel, Lau Bianchi, José Luis Calcagno, Mariángeles De Lucrezia, Claudio Gallardou, Adrián Gilardoni, Raul Holland, Ricardo Rossini, Jorge Rosso. Music: Osvaldo Lassalle. Assistant Director: Lau Bianchi.

To see photos, click the link:


The event on several International Newspapers:

El Diario de las Américas

El Confidencial

La Vanguardia

El Sol de México

El Cultural de Canarias

La Verdad

El Diario de España

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