La Fundación Shakespeare Argentina (FSA) junto al Departamento de Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad del Salvador (USAL) tuvieron el agrado de presentar al Dr. Charles Ney en Argentina. El distinguido especialista norteamericano brindó dos Conferencias gratuitas y abiertas al público en la Universidad del Salvador (USAL) referidas a su brillante trabajo académico «Directing Shakespeare in America» sobre la Dirección Artística y la Perspectiva Histórica de la Dirección de Shakespeare en los Estados Unidos.
Las conferencias -dirigidas a estudiantes, docentes, actores, directores, investigadores y entusiastas- se realizaron en la sede Centro y en la sede Pilar de la USAL y tuvieron una amplia convocatoria y una excelente repercusión.
Fueron dictadas en idioma inglés con traducción al español realizada con la colaboración de Bianca Dasso y Victoria Cucchiaro -quienes realizaron la práctica académica de interpretación consecutiva y simultánea, durante la Conferencia en la sede centro de la Escuela de Lenguas Modernas de la USAL. Por su parte, Rocío Ledesma, Ana Clara Falabella y Daniela Balabanian realizaron la práctica académica de interpretación consecutiva durante la Conferencia del Dr. Ney en Pilar.
Agradecemos a todos quienes nos acompañaron en dos jornadas inolvidables en la Universidad del Salvador.
Agradecemos especialmente la colaboración de la Texas State University por haber hecho posible la visita del Profesor Charles Ney a nuestro país.
Compartimos un clip de la visita del Profesor Charles Ney a la Argentina. Mirá el video:
La Conferencia del Profesor Ney en la sede centro tuvo lugar el Jueves 27 de Septiembre de 2018 a las 18:00 hs en el Aula Magna de la USAL – Lavalle 1854, CABA.
Carlos Drocchi (FSA) , Verónica Repetti, (USAL) Mercedes de la Torre (FSA) y Charles Ney
Carlos Drocchi, Bianca Dasso, Victoria Cucchiaro, Mercedes de la Torre y Charles Ney
La Conferencia en sede Pilar fue realizada el Viernes 28 de Septiembre de 2018 a las 14:30 hs en el Campus Nuestra Sra. del Pilar, Champagnat 1599, Ruta Panamericana, Acceso Norte km 54,5 – Salón VIP (1º piso).
Mercedes de la Torre, Charles Ney, Tiggie Donati y Carlos Drocchi en la sede Pilar de la USAL
Carlos Drocchi y Charles Ney en la sede Pilar de la USAL Pilar
Carlos Drocchi, Charles Ney, Mercedes de la Torre y Nuria Gomez Belart en Pilar
Eliana Heinrich, Rocío Ledesma, Charles Ney, Mercedes de la Torre, Ana Clara Falabella y Daniela BalabanianEliana Heinrich, Charles Ney, Carlos Drocchi, Mercedes de la Torre, Tiggie Donati y Nuria Gomez Belart en Pilar
Ver más fotos en el siguiente enlace:
Agradecemos y compartimos la entrevista de Carlos Clerici en su programa de radio La Otra Agenda al Director de la FSA Carlos Drocchi sobre la visita del Dr. Charles Ney a la Argentina. Escuchala en este enlace de Ecomedios1220:
Breve Bio del Dr Charles Ney
El Dr. Charles Ney es Profesor de Dirección y Actuación en el Departamento de Teatro y Danza de la Universidad de Texas, (Estados Unidos), Director del Programa Shakespeare in England, que realiza junto a las prestigiosas instituciones Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Royal Shakespeare Company y Shakespeare’s Globe.
Ha dirigido en destacadas instituciones como el Kennedy Center, Manhattan Theatre Club, Illinois Shakespeare Festival, Texas Shakespeare Festival, Idaho Repertory Theatre and Zach Scott Theatre Center.
En 2016 la editorial Bloomsbury’s Arden publicó su libro Directing Shakespeare in America. Current Practices, resultado de un extenso trabajo con entrevistas a más de 70 directores artísticos que trabajan con Shakespeare en Norteamérica.
En 2018 publica el flamante volumen Directing Shakespeare in America: Historical Perspectives dedicado a la perspectiva histórica de la Dirección artística de la obra de Shakespeare en los Estados Unidos.
Ver detalles de sus libros en los respectivos enlaces:
Directing Shakespeare in America: Current Practices
“Ney and his interviewees convey the vitality of performances recreated through the eyes of those who headed them … The book records stage practices at a moment in time when some of the boldest directors are relaying their understanding of Shakespeare’s theatre by scanning its longer history of production.” – Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy
“Ney’s incisive introductions to each chapter cogently frame the emergent patterns of thought vis-à-vis each topic without eliding their inherent contradictions and complexities and could well stand on their own as a survey of contemporary practice that is both wide-ranging and rich in detail. Political, practical, and aesthetic issues all get a thorough and inclusive treatment bound to stimulate lively discussion in graduate level directing seminars … In addition to the immense practical value of its nuts and bolts approach to the entire arc of the directing process the book also provides a kind of meta-analysis of the beliefs and positions beneath the surface of contemporary Shakespearean practice and this is, perhaps, the book’s most compelling feature … Its potent combination of practical wisdom and abstract reflection make it a truly stimulating read for novice and veteran directors alike.” – Shakespeare Bulletin
“Directing Shakespeare is as much a tribute to prominent American directors of Shakespeare as a presentation of critical approach to staging Shakespeare’s plays … The book often reads like a roundtable discussion on directing, with Ney deftly leading the discussion … Throughout the book, readers will find pragmatic advice, amusing anecdotal examples, humor, and brutal honesty. Beginning directors will find Ney’s approach especially helpful because they can read the book from cover to cover for guidance through the directing process. It is likely that other directors will turn to the book for valuable insight while they are in the process of directing their own Shakespearean productions … It adds valuable insight and specific geographic perspective that is often absent in Elizabethan theatre studies … Ney uses the thoughts, reflections, and opinions of this broad group of directors and companies to create a wide-ranging, thoughtful, and inspiring conversation on the directing process and the purpose of theatre.” – SDC Journal
“Illuminates the process of bringing Shakespeare’s plays to life on stage and makes an important contribution to both theatre history and theatre practice … Actors will find out what is required of a Shakespearean performer and what it takes to get hired in the first place. Critics and scholars will find a useful context to help them view and analyse the work. I would certainly recommend this book to anyone preparing to work with one of these directors, all of whom remain active in the profession.” – Voice and Speech Review
Directing Shakespeare in America: Historical Perspectives
“Charles Ney’s book is a revelation-the research is impeccable and the anecdotes, directing lessons, visions, egos, mistakes and inspiration are brilliant as tools for seasoned or aspiring Shakespeareans.” – Dr. Jim Volz, Editor, Shakespeare Theatre Association’s Quarto, USA,
“For any and all lovers of Shakespeare this book is a fascinating resource. It has absolutely changed my perception of the ground we stand on as Shakespeare producers in the 21st century.” – Bill Rauch, Artistic Director, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA,
“Charles Ney provides an invaluable service distilling more than a century of stage practice into a compelling narrative that reminds us from whence we come – a must-read for any practitioner of Shakespeare the world over.” – Ethan McSweeny, Artistic Director, American Shakespeare Center,
Artículo relacionado:
FSA Entrevista a Charles Ney